Basket Whip

The Basket Whip is a common beginner's move in West Coast Swing that does not have an immediate analogy in Lindy Hop (although it is possible to adapt the move for use with Lindy).

The follower moves straight forwards (beats 1–4) and then backwards (beats 5–8) along the slot, without turning at any point in the move. The leader moves out of her way as she travels forward, steps around behind her and leads her to start moving backwards, then moves out of her way again as she travels backwards.

front view reverse view detail
1. M:DbL W:FR Start from an open position, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's right hand, and his right hand holding her left hand. The leader takes a step diagonally backward on his left foot, starting to move out of the slot to create space for the follower to pass. The follower takes a step forward on her right foot. (image: direction of lead)
2. M:XR1R W:FL The leader takes a step with his right foot across and in front of his other foot, turning slightly to his right, lifting his left hand in front of the follower's face and keeping his right hand low. The follower takes a step forward on her left foot.
3. M:SL1R W:eFR The leader takes a step to the side on his left foot, continuing to turn slightly to his right, lifting his left hand over the follower's head. The follower takes a step slightly forward on her right foot. (image: arm positions)
&. M:TR1R W:TL The leader closes his right foot to his left foot, continuing to turn slightly to his right. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot.
4. M:TL1R W:TR The leader closes his left foot to his right foot, continuing to turn slightly to his right, so he is now standing directly behind the follower. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot.
5. M:HR2R W:BL The leader takes a step with his right foot back and behind his other foot, continuing to turn another 90° to his right, pulling the follower backwards with his right hand. The follower takes a step backward on her left foot. (image: direction of lead)
6. M:SL2R W:BR The leader takes a step to the side on his left foot, continuing to turn another 90° to his right, letting go with his right hand as the follower passes him. The follower takes a step backward on her right foot.
7. M:HR W:eBL The leader takes a step with his right foot back and behind his other foot. The follower takes a step slightly backward on her left foot.
&. M:RL W:RR The leader replaces his weight on his left foot. The follower replaces her weight on her right foot.
8. M:TR W:TL The leader closes his right foot to his left foot. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot.
