
This move is not entirely led, and generally relies on the follower being able to recognize and perform the sequence. The pointing motions with the feet should be smooth, sliding across the floor.

left side view right side view facing view
1. M:BL W:BR Start from an closed position, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's right hand. The leader takes a step backward on his left foot. The follower takes a step backward on her right foot.
2. M:RR W:RL The leader replaces his weight on his right foot. The follower replaces her weight on her left foot.
3. M:PfL W:PfR The leader points forward with his left foot. The follower points forward with her right foot.
4. M:TL W:TR The leader closes his left foot to his right foot. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot.
5. M:PfR W:PfL The leader points forward with his right foot. The follower points forward with her left foot.
6. M:FR2R W:TL4L The leader takes a step forward on his right foot, turning 90° to his right, turning the follower with his right hand and starting to drop her weight. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot, turning 180° to her left.
7. M:PfL W:PfR The leader points forward with his left foot, supporting the follower. The follower points forward with her right foot, leaning back and bending her left knee.
8. M:TL W:TR The leader closes his left foot to his right foot. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot.
1. M:PfR W:PfL The leader points forward with his right foot. The follower points forward with her left foot, still leaning back and bending her right knee.
2. M:TR W:TL2R The leader closes his right foot to his left foot, lifting the follower back up with his right hand. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot, turning 90° to her right, standing up again.
3. M:PfL W:PfR The leader points forward with his left foot, with his foot outside the follower's legs, to her right hand side. The follower points forward with her right foot, with her foot between the leader's legs.
4. M:TL W:TR The leader closes his left foot to his right foot. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot.
5. M:KfR W:KfL The leader performs a kick forward with his right foot, with his foot between the follower's legs. The follower performs a kick forward with her left foot, with her foot outside the leader's legs, to his right hand side.
6. M:BR2L W:BL2R The leader takes a step backward on his right foot, turning 90° to his left. The follower takes a step backward on her left foot, turning 90° to her right.
