Reverse Turn to Wrap

In this move, the dancers start in closed position and use an eight-beat rhythm to rotate anticlockwise as a couple. During the overall rotation of the couple, the leader adds an extra anticlockwise turn for the follower, holding on to her hands during it so the move finishes in a wrap position.

front view reverse view detail
1. M:BL W:BR1R Start from an closed position, with the leader's left hand holding the follower's right hand. The leader takes a step backward on his left foot, pushing the follower away with his left hand. The follower takes a step backward on her right foot, turning slightly to her right. (image: facing view)
2. M:RR W:RL1L The leader replaces his weight on his right foot. The follower replaces her weight on her left foot, turning slightly to her left, so she directly faces the leader again. (image: facing view)
3. M:eBL1L W:eSR1L The leader takes a step slightly backward on his left foot, turning slightly to his left, leading the follower to join in his turn using his right hand. The follower takes a step slightly to the side on her right foot, continuing to turn slightly to her left.
&. M:TR1L W:TL1L The leader closes his right foot to his left foot, continuing to turn slightly to his left. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot, continuing to turn slightly to her left.
4. M:eBL1L W:eSR1L The leader takes a step slightly backward on his left foot, continuing to turn slightly to his left. The follower takes a step slightly to the side on her right foot, continuing to turn slightly to her left.
5. M:eBR1L W:TL1L The leader takes a step slightly backward on his right foot, continuing to turn slightly to his left, opening a slight gap between the dancers and starting to lift his left hand. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot, continuing to turn slightly to her left. (image: direction of lead)
6. M:XL1L W:eSR1R The leader takes a step with his left foot across and in front of his other foot, continuing to turn slightly to his left, lifting his left hand to the follower's head. The follower takes a step slightly to the side on her right foot, turning slightly to her right. (image: leader's right hand on follower's waist)
7. M:eSR W:TL2L The leader takes a step slightly to the side on his right foot. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot, turning 90° to her left.
&. M:TL W:TR4L The leader closes his left foot to his right foot, taking the follower's right hand with his right hand as she turns. The follower closes her right foot to her left foot, continuing to turn another 180° to her left, turning under her right hand.
8. M:RR W:TL2L The leader replaces his weight on his right foot. The follower closes her left foot to her right foot, continuing to turn another 90° to her left. At the end of the move, the leader's right arm runs behind the follower's back to hold her left hand at her right hip, and his left hand still holds her right hand.
